Cumberland Bat Recording Project

Cumbria is home to 10 of 18 resident UK bat species with eight species being confirmed breeding within the county. Although, there are plenty of suitable habitats that are likely to support a range of bat species within the vice-county of Cumberland, the actual records for bats that are held by the Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre are scarce and there are major gaps in recorded bat distribution. 
Therefore, inspired by the Nottinghamshire Bat Group’s project “Echo Location Location”, the Cumberland Bat Group embarked on the new project to identify the distribution and current status of bats within the vice-county of Cumberland. We hope that the results of the project can eventually aid the production of a “Cumbria Bat Atlas” that can accurately illustrate distribution and range of the bat species that occur within our county.
To aid the recording project, we created a map of tetrads (2km x 2km squares) with not a single record for bats (as shown below). Additionally, to steer the project focus towards the tetrads that have the greatest chance of bats being present, all of the tetrads have been prioritised by their habitat suitability to the local bat populations. Red squares represent the highest priority and blue squares - the lowest. 
If you already hold any records for bats from the target tetrads, please submit them directly to Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre, through iRecord or send them directly to the Cumberland Bat Group. 
If you would like to help with the project, please get out there after dusk in the bat active season (May till September) and start recording our Cumbrian bats! If you don’t own any bat detectors, the Cumberland Bat Group may be able to help as we have a small pool of various types of detectors that can be used to help with the project.